How The Table Church Began

Imagine a snowy Sunday morning in December 2023, when a small group of people gathered in a living room in Summit Park. Snow had blanketed the town with over 18 inches, but this didn't deter the 50 people who showed up. They spent their time worshiping with acoustic guitar, reading and discussing the Bible, and sharing a delicious meal together. It was a space for deepening friendships and exploring the "one-another" commandments found in the New Testament.
As the group shared their stories, they realized that many believers in the town were seeking deeper connection and a local church embedded in the community but felt they hadn't found that yet. The common refrain was, "I've gone to many churches and haven't found my place." This sparked a question among the leaders: "Does Park City and the surrounding areas need another church?"

At first, some doubted the necessity, arguing that there were enough churches and weren't enough people to justify the effort. However, as they walked the neighborhoods, sipped coffee in local coffee shops, and met new people exploring the trails, they began to see the needs and potential of the community. With new neighborhoods being built, schools expanding and under construction, and the forecasted growth leading up to the 2034 Winter Olympics, the answer became clear: yes, this region needs a new local church.

In the fall of 2024, after spending 18 months in Park City, Pastor Bryon and Lindsay White founded The Table Church. This fresh expression of faith and mission is dedicated to helping people find Jesus and teaching them how to follow his ways.