The White Family
Noah, Bryon, Lindsay, Ella and Annie
Greetings from Park City, Utah! We are thrilled to share with you our hearts for this city and the journey that has led us to this point.
For twenty-one years, we were a part of Kingsway Church in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Prior to our marriage, Bryon had been a part of a church plant in Salt Lake City, Utah. Despite being a born and raised Midwestern boy, he quickly grew to love the people and culture of the Mountain West.
During his first visit to NJ, Bryon informed Lindsay, quite emphatically, that he could never live there. Apparently God had different plans for us and in 2000 we became the full time youth pastors at Kingsway. We loved those years! In 2009 we sensed that our season of youth pastoring was coming to an end and we anticipated heading out West to plant a church.
For twenty-one years, we were a part of Kingsway Church in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Prior to our marriage, Bryon had been a part of a church plant in Salt Lake City, Utah. Despite being a born and raised Midwestern boy, he quickly grew to love the people and culture of the Mountain West.
During his first visit to NJ, Bryon informed Lindsay, quite emphatically, that he could never live there. Apparently God had different plans for us and in 2000 we became the full time youth pastors at Kingsway. We loved those years! In 2009 we sensed that our season of youth pastoring was coming to an end and we anticipated heading out West to plant a church.
Again, God had different plans. Our lead pastor was called to revitalize a struggling church, and we were asked to stay and consider having Bryon fill the role of lead pastor. We placed our dream of church planting on the shelf and did our very best to faithfully lead that beautiful church for the next 11 years.
In January of 2021, during a time of prayer and fasting, Bryon heard the whisper of the Lord that it was “okay to go.” We began the process of passing on the baton of leadership. After a beautiful and emotional process, our family said our tearful goodbyes, loaded up our 1997 Winnebago RV (affectionately named Gloria) and drove out of town into the Great Unknown. We felt a little like Abraham, being called to go, but not knowing exactly where. For almost two years, we lived outside of the four walls of the church, meeting incredible people, sharing stories and experiencing God in new and profound ways.
During those two years, we encountered a big world outside of the church that is lonely, anxious, hurting and desperate. This world is longing to be told the good news of God’s love, of Jesus’ sacrifice and to encounter the presence and life changing power of the Holy Spirit. We met people from all walks of life, shared meals around many tables, sat around campfires and walked dirt paths with them. We were welcomed into many of their lives, heard their stories and saw firsthand the impact that the presence of God and genuine community can have on a life.
As we traveled, we also witnessed some of the challenges facing the Church today. We had the opportunity to visit churches of different denominations, sizes and demographics. On more than one occasion we were saddened to find that many seemed to lack the presence of the Holy Spirit and failed to welcome strangers. We longed for a church that made room for the Holy Spirit and had created inviting environments for all to experience God’s love. Our journey shaped and challenged us in ways that we are forever grateful for, especially in this new season of ministry.
Through many twists and turns, ups and downs and closed doors, our Good Shepherd has led us here to Park City where we have begun The Table Church.
In January of 2021, during a time of prayer and fasting, Bryon heard the whisper of the Lord that it was “okay to go.” We began the process of passing on the baton of leadership. After a beautiful and emotional process, our family said our tearful goodbyes, loaded up our 1997 Winnebago RV (affectionately named Gloria) and drove out of town into the Great Unknown. We felt a little like Abraham, being called to go, but not knowing exactly where. For almost two years, we lived outside of the four walls of the church, meeting incredible people, sharing stories and experiencing God in new and profound ways.
During those two years, we encountered a big world outside of the church that is lonely, anxious, hurting and desperate. This world is longing to be told the good news of God’s love, of Jesus’ sacrifice and to encounter the presence and life changing power of the Holy Spirit. We met people from all walks of life, shared meals around many tables, sat around campfires and walked dirt paths with them. We were welcomed into many of their lives, heard their stories and saw firsthand the impact that the presence of God and genuine community can have on a life.
As we traveled, we also witnessed some of the challenges facing the Church today. We had the opportunity to visit churches of different denominations, sizes and demographics. On more than one occasion we were saddened to find that many seemed to lack the presence of the Holy Spirit and failed to welcome strangers. We longed for a church that made room for the Holy Spirit and had created inviting environments for all to experience God’s love. Our journey shaped and challenged us in ways that we are forever grateful for, especially in this new season of ministry.
Through many twists and turns, ups and downs and closed doors, our Good Shepherd has led us here to Park City where we have begun The Table Church.
“In the Bible, the table has always been a place of presence - where God is present with His people and His people are present with one another."
-Lisa Scheffler
Park City has been called the least churched city in Utah and is in need of a healthy, faithful local church. We believe God has called us to partner with Him to establish a community that values the presence of the Holy Spirit and the sound teaching of the Word, as well as welcomes anyone to the table to have an opportunity to encounter Jesus. We are committed to building a church that is rooted in the love of God, centered on the person of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
On December 3, 2023 we opened the doors of our home and had about 45 people come as we shared a simple time of worship, teaching and good food! Since then we have grown in relationship and trust with one another and it has been so joyful and fulfilling!
This has truly been a family calling, and we’ve been so thrilled to see our children being used by the Lord in this journey as well! Ella (22) and her husband Isaiah currently live in Indiana and have been serving at a church, but are about to head out on their own great adventure! Lord willing, in the spring they will hit the road and travel the country for a while. We’re praying that they encounter Jesus and people in a new way, have a ton of fun and that the Lord shows them what He has next. They have covered us in prayer and have been the best cheerleaders through this time! Noah (19) has amazed us as he’s stepped up and has helped lead worship and youth for The Table Church. He’s had up to 18 middle school and high school students gather for Table Youth. They play games, eat a lot of pizza and junk food, and learn about Jesus through a simple devotional that Noah has prepared. It’s been amazing to watch our son discover and strengthen gifts that God has given him! Annie Joy (12) is a delight and has won the hearts of all! She runs words to the songs we sing every Sunday and occasionally gives parents a break as she helps with their kids so they can hear the sermon. We are so proud of our kids and so grateful for the way they’ve responded to the call of God.
On November 17, 2024 we met for the first time in what is now our new location. The Lord miraculously provided a space for us to rent in a very well known, established non-profit near the heart of Park City! This opportunity came to us at a time when we had decided that, because of the outrageous costs of rent, finding a location other than homes was impossible. How quickly we forget that NOTHING is impossible for the Lord! Not only did He provide a beautiful meeting space, He also gave it to us at a rental price we can afford. This is a door that truly only God could have opened! Jesus has been our faithful Shepherd. He has, and continues to go before us - paving the way for His church. We still have a long way to go and there are many needs to be met.
We would ask you to pray for our family and our Table Church family as we all do our best to obey and follow Jesus.
Pastor Bryon & Lindsay White
On December 3, 2023 we opened the doors of our home and had about 45 people come as we shared a simple time of worship, teaching and good food! Since then we have grown in relationship and trust with one another and it has been so joyful and fulfilling!
This has truly been a family calling, and we’ve been so thrilled to see our children being used by the Lord in this journey as well! Ella (22) and her husband Isaiah currently live in Indiana and have been serving at a church, but are about to head out on their own great adventure! Lord willing, in the spring they will hit the road and travel the country for a while. We’re praying that they encounter Jesus and people in a new way, have a ton of fun and that the Lord shows them what He has next. They have covered us in prayer and have been the best cheerleaders through this time! Noah (19) has amazed us as he’s stepped up and has helped lead worship and youth for The Table Church. He’s had up to 18 middle school and high school students gather for Table Youth. They play games, eat a lot of pizza and junk food, and learn about Jesus through a simple devotional that Noah has prepared. It’s been amazing to watch our son discover and strengthen gifts that God has given him! Annie Joy (12) is a delight and has won the hearts of all! She runs words to the songs we sing every Sunday and occasionally gives parents a break as she helps with their kids so they can hear the sermon. We are so proud of our kids and so grateful for the way they’ve responded to the call of God.
On November 17, 2024 we met for the first time in what is now our new location. The Lord miraculously provided a space for us to rent in a very well known, established non-profit near the heart of Park City! This opportunity came to us at a time when we had decided that, because of the outrageous costs of rent, finding a location other than homes was impossible. How quickly we forget that NOTHING is impossible for the Lord! Not only did He provide a beautiful meeting space, He also gave it to us at a rental price we can afford. This is a door that truly only God could have opened! Jesus has been our faithful Shepherd. He has, and continues to go before us - paving the way for His church. We still have a long way to go and there are many needs to be met.
We would ask you to pray for our family and our Table Church family as we all do our best to obey and follow Jesus.
Pastor Bryon & Lindsay White